Jewish Holidays for 2025

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Bellow you will find a list of jewish holidays for the secular year 2025. You can use the links bellow to find the Jewish Holidays for any given year

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Today is 3/27/2025 Thu, 27th of Adar, 5785

The Jewish Holiday of Sukkot - Feast of Booths, Feast of Tabernacles for 2025

Tuesday, September 23, 1st of Tishrei, 5786

9/23/2025 Tue, 1st of Tishrei, 5786

9/23/2025 Tue, Rosh Hashana 5786

Wednesday, September 24, 2nd of Tishrei, 5786

9/24/2025 Wed, 2nd of Tishrei, 5786

9/24/2025 Wed, Rosh Hashana II

Thursday, September 25, 3rd of Tishrei, 5786

9/25/2025 Thu, 3rd of Tishrei, 5786

9/25/2025 Thu, Tzom Gedaliah

Saturday, September 27, 5th of Tishrei, 5786

9/27/2025 Sat, 5th of Tishrei, 5786

9/27/2025 Sat, Shabbat Shuva

Wednesday, October 01, 9th of Tishrei, 5786

10/1/2025 Wed, 9th of Tishrei, 5786

10/1/2025 Wed, Erev Yom Kippur

Thursday, October 02, 10th of Tishrei, 5786

10/2/2025 Thu, 10th of Tishrei, 5786

10/2/2025 Thu, Yom Kippur

Monday, October 06, 14th of Tishrei, 5786

10/6/2025 Mon, 14th of Tishrei, 5786

10/6/2025 Mon, Erev Sukkot

Tuesday, October 07, 15th of Tishrei, 5786

10/7/2025 Tue, 15th of Tishrei, 5786

10/7/2025 Tue, Sukkot I

Wednesday, October 08, 16th of Tishrei, 5786

10/8/2025 Wed, 16th of Tishrei, 5786

10/8/2025 Wed, Sukkot II

Thursday, October 09, 17th of Tishrei, 5786

10/9/2025 Thu, 17th of Tishrei, 5786

10/9/2025 Thu, Sukkot III (CH''M)

Friday, October 10, 18th of Tishrei, 5786

10/10/2025 Fri, 18th of Tishrei, 5786

10/10/2025 Fri, Sukkot IV (CH''M)

Saturday, October 11, 19th of Tishrei, 5786

10/11/2025 Sat, 19th of Tishrei, 5786

10/11/2025 Sat, Sukkot V (CH''M)

Sunday, October 12, 20th of Tishrei, 5786

10/12/2025 Sun, 20th of Tishrei, 5786

10/12/2025 Sun, Sukkot VI (CH''M)

Monday, October 13, 21st of Tishrei, 5786

10/13/2025 Mon, 21st of Tishrei, 5786

10/13/2025 Mon, Sukkot VII (Hoshana Raba)

Tuesday, October 14, 22nd of Tishrei, 5786

10/14/2025 Tue, 22nd of Tishrei, 5786

10/14/2025 Tue, Shmini Atzeret

Wednesday, October 15, 23rd of Tishrei, 5786

10/15/2025 Wed, 23rd of Tishrei, 5786

10/15/2025 Wed, Simchat Torah

Wednesday, October 22, 30th of Tishrei, 5786

10/22/2025 Wed, 30th of Tishrei, 5786

10/22/2025 Wed, Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan

All Jewish Holidays | Rosh HaShana | Purim | Passover | Shavuot | Tisha B'Av | Sukkot | Chanukah |